Welcome to the Future of Fitness

From boosting member engagement with professionally scaled workouts to your ultimate gym-system solution. Discover our tiered offers, each crafted to meet your needs at different parts of your journey. And if you're an individual working out at home, we've got you covered too.

Individual Programming

Better workouts.
Better systems.
World class support.

At Level Method, we believe every gym has the potential to be extraordinary. With our clear, adaptable, and results-driven solutions, see your gym turn into a beacon of fitness excellence and business success.

Programming Only

Individual Programming

Perfect for Customized Workouts Wherever You Workout

Seven levels of tailor-made workouts, from beginners to pros, with tracking software included.

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Programming Only

Levels Gym Programming

Perfect for Customized Group Workouts & Member Progression

Seven levels of tailor-made workouts for all your members, from beginners to pros, with tracking software included.

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Programming PLUS

The Level Method System

Perfect for Gym Operations, Coach Development and Member Retention

Get your own highly-calibrated MAP of Fitness (a 4x8 foot visual guide for member progression) a powerful rewards system, onboarding for coaches and owners, mentor calls, eLearning and goal setting sessions... and much more.

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Why trust us?

As your partners, we understand it's important to know more about who you're working with. We know what we stand for and celebrate transparency with all of our Legion Gyms around the world.

Our values

Unwavering dedication to delivering excellence in every facet of our business and client interactions.


Distilling fitness and business strategies into clear, actionable, and effective solutions.


Fostering innovation and efficiency, ensuring we provide value-driven, cost-effective services to our clients.

Help First

Commitment to deeply understanding and exceeding our clients' needs through empathetic and dedicated service.

Continuous Improvement

Ongoing pursuit to enhance and refine our methods and services for the betterment of our clients and their communities.

From an owner's perspective, I think it creates a great environment for goal setting, safety, and class management.

It's changed our gym for the better. It's made coaching easier, hiring easier and retention easier.

LM elevates the customer journey by an order of magnitude - I think CrossFit as a brand is useful for getting people in through the doors, but LM is what keeps them in the gym.

Free eLearning

Master Gym Success
Discover the 4 Critical Success Factors of any gym with our free eLearning course.

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