Nathan Holiday created the Level Method in 2016 after working with thousands of clients in his own gym. His original goal was to answer a simple question: Why do some change their lives with fitness, while others fail?
The big problem is that some people push themselves to burn out or injury — striving to do things before they're ready — and others aren't consistent or motivated long enough to see results.
When people don't have a clear path or goals, when they're confused or overwhelmed, when they're not recognized for their hard work, when they get injured or feel inadequate, or when they stop making progress, they tend to quit.
After many failures, over years, and a lot of work, the team was able to create a new MAP of fitness. With it, any coach or gym owner could point and say to a client this is where you are, and this is where we want to take you... safely, intelligently, systematically.
The team has found that when provided awards, feelings of significance, opportunities to grow and connect to the community, members were much more likely to stay with it, get better, and change their lives.
Along the way, the team has recognized gym owners have a lot in common with the members they hope to retain. It started with a karate-belt style assessment program for functional fitness, but now Level Method delivers a legion of gym owners a powerful suite of tools to power gyms around the world.